Providing "No Surprises Inspections" in the GTA since 1995
Written Report
You receive a written report before you leave. We use a wireless printer and Pocket PC to print out your report, which is a detailed evaluation custom tailored to the house.
You do not want to read about log homes unless it applies to the house. With our system, there is no need to wade through pages of a thick book to find the information you want. It is written clearly with limited technical jargon so that anyone can understand it. No codes to decipher or look up - it is all right there in front of you.
Verbal Report
The inspector will give you a guided tour of the property, describing components and pointing out items in need of repair. This is your best opportunity to understand what you are facing in the first few years of owning your new home.
We highly recommend that you attend your home inspection so that you are able to clearly see any issues that arise.
Unlimited Support
The service does not end when the inspector leaves the property.
We want you to think of us first whenever you have a question about your home. Do you want to know what questions to ask a contractor? Want us to review a quote? Planning a renovation? Need further explanation on a suggested repair?
Anytime you have a question about the inspection or home, whether in the next few hours or days or after you move in, the inspector will be available to discuss things with you. Smply email us at or pick up the phone!